Bármilyen borús tud itt lenni az idő, két dolog mindig felvidít, ha eszembe jut.
Az egyik, ha meglátok egy angol gyereket, a másik, ha meglátok egy idős nénit. A pharmacyban ez a két eset elég gyakran előfordul.
Az angol gyerekek többsége úgy néz ki, mint a srác a Mad magazin borítójáról. Ha kicsit megnőnek, akkor meg inkább Wayne Rooney-ra hasonlítanak, de ez most más kérdés.
Az idős nénikről meg a Monty Python Repülő Cirkusza jut eszembe, nevezetes az alábbi videók:
Whizzo Butter
Pepperpot #1: I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and this dead crab.
Interviewer: Yes, we find that 9 out of 10 British housewives can't tell the difference between Whizzo Butter and a dead crab.
Various Pepperpots: It's true… We can't… No.
Pepperpot #2: Here. Here! You're on television, aren't you?
Interviewer: [humbly] Yes, yes…
Pepperpot #2: He does the thing with one of those silly women who can't tell Whizzo Butter from a dead crab.
Various Pepperpots: Yeah, yeah.
Pepperpot #3: You try that around here, young man, and we'll slit your face.
Pepperpot #4: [quietly] Yeah, with a razor.
Vagy a Pearl Harbouri Csata rekontruálása:
Canning: The stuff of history is indeed woven in the woof. Pearl Harbour. There are pages in history's book which are written on the grand scale. Events so momentous that they dwarf man and time alike. And such is the Battle of Pearl Harbour, re-enacted for us now by the women of Barley Townswomen's Guild.
Canning: (voice over) Miss Rita Fairbanks - you organized this reconstruction of the Battle of Pearl Harbour - why?
Rita: Well we've always been extremely interested in modern drama ... we were of course the first Townswomen's Guild to perform 'Camp On Blood Island', and last year we did our extremely popular re-enactment of 'Nazi War Atrocities'. So this year we thought we would like to do something in a lighter vein...
Canning: So you chose the Battle of Pearl Harbour?
Rita: Yes, that's right, we did.
Canning: Well I can see you're all ready to go. So I'll just wish you good luck in your latest venture.
Rita: Thank you very much, young man.
Canning: (reverential voice over) Ladies and gentlemen, the World of History is proud to present the premiere of the Batley Townswomen's Guild's re-enactment of 'The Battle of Pearl Harbour'.
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